ACPTA Mini Grants
ACPTA’s mini-grant program supports and empowers campus PTAs with small budgets and big ideas. We encourage your PTA to apply!
Mini Grants Overview
The application process is designed to be simple and easy to complete. It requires some thought and planning by your PTA board. It requires some information about what the program you hope to offer will look like, how much it will cost and what the benefits will be to your campus community.
We encourage all PTAs to apply. Priority is given to certain proposals:
proposals from PTAs with greater need, measured by the PTA’s gross income in the prior year and available funds at the time of application
proposals from PTAs at schools where more than half of students are categorized as economically disadvantaged
proposals for projects that serve all students at a school
proposals for projects that build community on your campus through fun family events
proposals for projects help to educate parents about supporting student success
We will consider all proposals from PTAs that have submitted officers to Texas PTA, and we encourage PTAs to submit applications for any program that you feel serves your campus community and the mission of PTA to support student success by engaging families.
ACPTA has two annual deadlines for grant proposals, one in the fall (October 31st) and one in the spring (February 28th). Any proposal turned down because funds are not available can be resubmitted during the next funding cycle for consideration.
Applications can be written in English or in Spanish. We’re not looking for fancy language or long essays. The important thing is to have a clear idea of what you want to do and why that matters to your campus and to share that in the application.
All grant recipients must document their winning programs with receipts showing how the funds were spent and with photos of the event that can be shared by ACPTA and AISD. Any grant money not used for the program must be returned to ACPTA.
Before you apply
We encourage you to work with your principal, your campus community, and your PTA members and board to plan an idea for a program. Consider the criteria for evaluating proposals and application questions as you plan. The program should be a good match for the needs of your campus community and a good match for this grant. Need help knowing what to apply for? You can see examples of two successful applications, one from Small Middle School PTA and one from Travis ECHS PTA.
Gather everything that you will need to complete the application. This includes answers to questions about your PTA and the program you plan to offer. It also includes some PTA records that you will need to submit. (These are all things you should have, like a budget for your event and a copy of your most recent bank statement and are detailed in the application.)

Apply Today
Before you apply, it's best to have a plan in place, the documents you need, and an idea of how you will answer the application questions. Once you have those things, your application will probably take less than an hour to complete.
Your application can be completed online or on paper. Remember that you don’t need to write anything long or complicated. Just tell us what your PTA wants to do, explain why you think it’s important, and share a few more things about your PTA. Thanks for applying, and good luck!
Questions? Please email grants@austincouncilpta.org.
Build a better community
Successful students are everyone’s business. Join us as we work to build stronger students,
stronger schools, stronger neighborhoods and a stronger Austin for all of us.
We welcome donations of any amount to this program, and we promise that your donation will be used well, to make a real difference on an Austin ISD campus, through that school’s PTA.