The House Pub Ed committee will be meeting three times over the next 8 days over our two biggest legislative prioirities - increasing funding and saying no to vouchers. It is our moment to shine, y'all! It's time for them to hear what the parents, students, educators, administrators, and community members want and need in their local public schools.
There are a number of ways you can do this so pick any and all that make sense for you and your schedule. You got this.
Don't forget to share this information.
Anyone in Texas with an email address can leave comments, including your teenage child, Aunt Betty in the panhandle, and your baby sitter's boyfriend in Beaumont. Part of your power is in your connections, y'all, so use those connections to change the world. This is how we do it.
But First: Advocacy Tips!

Think Like a Mom
I like to think of the elected representatives we are trying to convince to put our children ahead of our billionaires as a bit like children themselves. And I know as a leader of a group who sometimes gets it wrong, that I appreciate hearing criticism said in a friendly voice and really really hate trying to work with people who yell at me. I, like those officials, hear info from all sides and want to work with partners who come across as sincerely trying to help me do better.
As a mom, I also know that a whisper is often far more effective in getting a child's attention than a scream.
So, as you're crafting your message, think about staying as focused and partner-oriented as possible. Think about how you most effectively convinced a tiny tyrant in your life to go along with your wisdom instead of their worst instincts. At our best, moms right wrongs, clean up messes, teach, inspire, set boundaries, hold everyone to high standards, and, at the end of the day, everyone goes to bed feeling whole, loved and wanting to do better.
Bring that vibe to your writing and your testimony, convince just one representative that maybe you're right and other people they are listening to are wrong, and you could be the one to change schools for the better all over Texas. You have that power. Use it.
NOTE: If you are a dad, grandparent, community member, or just a friendly stranger who found this post - YOU are an honorary Mom. Welcome to Club Mom. Everyone is welcome.

Do Your Research
You can't be expected to know everything about school funding and vouchers and special ed and security and all the things that policy makers are talking about right now. It takes years to understand it comprehensively. But it is important that you at least have a passing knowledge of anything you want to write or testify about. So do your homework: read through info culled from reliable sources and be critical of what you read. Don't be afraid to fact-check even seasoned sources.
Here are some resources available through the ACPTA to help you get up to speed:
House Pub Ed committee list and info. This includes the school districts and towns they represent in case you know someone who lives there and can use that connection in your testimony or writing.
Local Area Rep list. This will help you build a relationship with the folks who represent you.
Legislator Contact folder. This includes both of the above lists but also subfolders that focus on new or pro-public education members and pretty lists you can download and print to display at your campuses (remember, everything has to be obviously from the PTA before it gets anywhere near your campus walls or message boards.)
Legislative Priorities folder. We have our legislative priorities spelled out in English and Spanish in a number of formats in this folder. It also includes overviews of Voucher and School Funding facts, and some links to articles, lists of articles, images, and more.
Advocacy in the 89th Legislative Session. This includes advocacy tips and information for our ACPTA advocates.
Testimony Tools and Tips. This simple presentation runs through the basics of how to prepare and deliver effective testimony. Worth spending 2 minutes looking over.
Now ... Opportunties to practice flexing your advocacy muscles!

Tuesday, March 4 - HB 2 - House School Funding Bill
House Pub Ed Committee8am, JHR 140 (Reagan building)
The committee will meet to hear invited testimony on HB 2 relating to public education and public school finance.
Write a comment. This becomes a part of the public record and the more comments they hear from constituents, the better.
Show up. There will not be an opportunity to testify but you can show your face so they know we're paying attention and you can get a sense of the members by watching them ask questions of the invited guests. Wear your PTA or school shirt!

Tuesday, March 4 - SB 10 - Senate 10 Commandments
Senate K-16 Education Committee11am, E1.028
The Senate K-16 Education Committee is bringing SB 10, the Ten Commandments in public school bill, up again and you have a chance to comment on it in person. If you testify, be sure and say hi to Ken and Laura from me.
They'll also be discussing SB 11, which is about praying in school, and SB 569, which is somehow about virtual education during a crisis and not at all about religion, which makes me suspicious, somehow.
Public testimony will be limited to two minutes. If providing written testimony, please provide 13 copies with your name and bill number you will be testifying on clearing stated on each copy.
Show up and submit written testimony ( or provide oral testimony. There will not be an opportunity to testify but you can show your face so they know we're paying attention and you can get a sense of the members by watching them ask questions of the invited guests. Wear your PTA or school shirt!

Thursday, March 6 - HB 2 - House School Funding Bill
House Pub Ed Committee8am, JHR 140 (Reagan building)
The committee will meet to hear public testimony on HB 2 relating to public education and public school finance.
Testimony limited to 2 minutes.
ACPTA will host a Public Education Lounge starting at 8am in Room (TBD - but will update as soon as we know).
Write a comment. This becomes a part of the public record and the more comments they hear from constituents, the better.
Show up. There will be an opportunity to testify but you don't have to testify if you show up. For those who are testifying, it's really helpful to have friendly spirits in the audience. It also helps for the reps to see a lot of faces in the audience throughout the day so they know we're paying attention. Wear your PTA or school shirt!
Testify. This is our first chance to let them know who we are and what we stand for. Wear your PTA or school shirt!
Sign up for our Testimony Team Signal group to collaborate and prepare.

Tuesday, March 11 HB 3 - House Voucher Bill
House Pub Ed Committee8am, JHR 140 (Reagan building)
The committee will meet to hear public testimony on HB 3 relating to vouchers.
Testimony limited to 2 minutes.
ACPTA will host a Public Education Lounge starting at 8am in Room E2.024.
Write a comment. This becomes a part of the public record and the more comments they hear from constituents, the better.
Show up. There will be an opportunity to testify but you don't have to testify if you show up. For those who are testifying, it's really helpful to have friendly spirits in the audience. It also helps for the reps to see a lot of faces in the audience throughout the day so they know we're paying attention. Wear your PTA or school shirt!
Testify. This is our first chance to let them know how we feel about vouchers and share what we know about it's impacts to our friends and family in other states. Wear your PTA or school shirt!
Sign up for our Testimony Team Signal group to collaborate and prepare.
Showing up is the most powerful thing you can do.

This is just the beginning...
The legislative session lasts through early June so you'll have lots of opportunities to practice all these skills. I know you're getting good at calling your representatives and that was probably hard for you at the beginning, too. But you have to get through hard to get to easy. So join us in all the ways you can - even if it pushes you to do things you're not comfortable with yet. You will. Talking to powerful people is super scary until it's not. You'll get there. Come with us this week and take your first step.

Rep. Hinojosa said we're gangster. I think she's right....
If you've got a little bit of Good Trouble Making in your soul, join our Slack group. This group is hosted by House staffers and a great place for real-time info and suggestions. The group is new but growing and we're full of creative people who are thinking of other ways to the attention of the families and communities impacted by state education policies, as well as the policy makers themselves. We need your creativity and energy so join us to make this session extra impactful and fun.
Y'all inspire me. I hope to see you down in the halls and will follow up with the Public Education Lounge room number for Thursday.
--Daphne Hoffacker