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Make it Matter Monday 2/17



Dr. David DeMatthews is a professor at UT in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy. He's created a really nifty chart about how vouchers have fared (and failed) student achievement in states where they've been implemented. You'll learn a lot.


Share this link with your friends and colleagues. We need as many people as possible showing up and speaking out on behalf of our Texas Public Schools!

Spilling the Capitol Tea


The House K-12 Education committee was announced this week. These are the folks we're going to love up (and "Mom" up) so profoundly they are going to feel like they have no choice but to reject welfare for the rich and throw some serious simoleons at our public schools. Many of these faces are familiar, including the chair and vice-chair, area Reps. Hinojosa and Talarico, Rep. Allen, a legend from Houston, and Rep. Harold Dutton, who famously sent TEA into Houston for their takeover but is generally anti-voucher. We'll be learning more about the rest so look for an invite to a deep-dive session. We are going to get very close to these folks this session and want to learn about every connection we have with them possible.

Chair Brad Buckley (R-Salado)

Vice-Chair Diego Bernal (D-San Antonio)

Rep. Alma Allen (D-Houston)

Rep. Trent Ashby (R-Lufkin)

Rep. John Bryant (D-Dallas)

Rep. Charles Cunningham (R-Humble)

Rep. Harold Dutton (D-Houston)

Rep. James Frank (R-Wichita Falls)

Rep. Gina Hinojosa (D-Austin)

Rep. Todd Hunter (R-Corpus Christi)

Rep. Helen Kerwin (R-Cleburne)

Rep. Jeff Leach (R-Allen)

Rep. Alan Schoolcraft (R- Seguin)

Rep. James Talarico (D-Round Rock)

Rep. Terri Leo Wilson (R-Galveston)

We could start seeing hearings as early as next week so start preparing yourself to come down to the Capitol to either register an opinion, testify, or serve as moral support for those who are testifying. These are the most important hearings we have all year and it is imperative that we have a lot of people showing up.

House Committee meetings this week

The Appropriations committee is the only committee meeting this week. Area Representative Vikki Goodwin is on that committee and will hopefully be able to keep them focused on funding our schools appropriately.

Appropriations - Budget recommendations and spending limits, among other things.

Tuesday, 8am, Rm E1.030

It'll be worth listening to:

Appropriations - Public Ed Funding, Property tax, Overview of TRS pension, and more. They will hear invited testimony only.

Wednesday, 8am, Rm E1.030

It'll be worth listening to:

Texas residents who wish to electronically submit comments related to agenda items without testifying in person can do so until the hearing is adjourned by visiting:


The Senate Finance committee met on Monday, Feb. 10, to discuss SB 1, the general appropriations bill. The Texas Education Agency Commissioner, Mike Morath, testified for most of it, most focusing on existing school funding. 

Here is link to a blog with great information about what happened here

Watch the committee meeting here.

There are no relevent Senate committee hearings this week.

The Goss'

Food for thought: If Governor Abbott thought he had the votes for vouchers, would he pay for a full-page ad in the Austin American Statesman to try to convince us he did?

Teachers rise up

Oh, and this happened:

"PALESTINE, Texas (KETK) – Current and former educators are demanding answers regarding the school voucher bill that was recently passed by the Texas Senate.

A protest over the bill took place on Friday afternoon at 519 North Sycamore Street in Palestine near the office of Texas State House Representative Cody Harris. The protest included current and former educators expressing their frustration at the bill that was passed."

Call to Action

A lawsuit originating out of Texas is putting student 504 plans at risk. Here's what we know. 

Texas is one of 17 states suing the federal government, asking it to declare Section 504 unconstitutional. 

Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act protects people with disabilities. It requires entities that receive federal money -- like schools -- to follow the prescriptions and prohibitions set out in the law.  Section 504 is regularly updated, most recently in 2024.

In schools, a 504 plan is a formal plan that details how the school will remove barriers for a student with a disability so that they can learn in a general-education classroom. (Click here for more details on what Section 504 does. Read more here about the differences between a 504 plan and an IEP.) 

If Texas v. Becerra is successful, Section 504 protections will disappear, advocates worry. You can read more details about the concerns in this "plain-language" one-pager

Here's one step you can take: Call or email Attorney General Ken Paxton and register your opposition to the lawsuit. You can access contact information and sample scripts here from the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund. This is also a good link to send to friends you may have in the other 16 states that are a party to the lawsuit. 

Place Your Orders for Rally Day


We have limited quantities in each size so they'll be distributed first come, first served. 


Depending on when you order, t-shirts will be available for pickup: 

  • Monday, February 17, Texas Capitol Rm. E2.1006, between 1 & 4pm. 

  • Tuesday, February 25, 6:30-8pm, Carver Library, Room 2. 

  • Monday, February 24, Texas Capitol, 9am-3pm, join our Band app ( to find out where we are. 

LUNCH - $10

We will have a variety of options, including gluten-free and vegetarian. Every meal comes with a sandwich, chips, cookie, and water. 



  • Lunch will be served between noon and 1pm after the rally portion of Rally Day. Join our Band app ( to find out where we are.


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