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CALL TO ACTION: Save Our 504 Protections


Updated: Feb 17

A lawsuit originating out of Texas is putting student 504 plans at risk. Here's what we know. 

Texas is one of 17 states suing the federal government, asking it to declare Section 504 unconstitutional. 

Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act protects people with disabilities. It requires entities that receive federal money -- like schools -- to follow the prescriptions and prohibitions set out in the law.  Section 504 is regularly updated, most recently in 2024.

In schools, a 504 plan is a formal plan that details how the school will remove barriers for a student with a disability so that they can learn in a general-education classroom. (Click here for more details on what Section 504 does. Read more here about the differences between a 504 plan and an IEP.) 

If Texas v. Becerra is successful, Section 504 protections will disappear, advocates worry. You can read more details about the concerns in this "plain-language" one-pager

Here's one step you can take: Call or email Attorney General Ken Paxton and register your opposition to the lawsuit. You can access contact information and sample scripts here from the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund. This is also a good link to send to friends you may have in the other 16 states that are a party to the lawsuit. 


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